Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Service = Obey or Busyness?

Sometimes, it's difficult to communicate clearly in quotes because context matters.

For example, the context of Jesus in John 14:15... 

"If you love me, obey my commandments". 

In this context, Jesus' definition of service is obey.

"service = obey".

Therefore, in John 14:15, service is an act of devotion and is good.

However, in Luke 10:40-42, Jesus rebuked Martha for being overwhelmed by much serving. 

None of it was expected or even desired by Jesus. 

He actually commended Mary (Martha's sister) for NOT serving him, but instead intently listening to Jesus and sharing time with Him. 

Therefore, in the Luke 10:40-42 passage, Jesus' definition of service is busyness which is bad.

"service = busyness".

In this context, service was a lack of devotion and is bad. 

The context of the two passages clear up the different interpretations of "service". 

If you or I were quote Jesus as saying, service is good (or bad). 

We would be confusing 50% or more of our listeners. 

We must carefully choose our words, and provide enough context to communicate effectively & accurately what others have said.

James 3:2

The Space between our Prayers and Praise

 What do we do while we wait for our prayers to be answered?   In Daniel 10:11-13,  Daniel's prayer was answered the first day he prayed...